Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Advanced Dermatology Skin and Cosmetic Laser Center in Milford, PA announces that they now offer several new procedures for use in melting and removing fat, firming skin and improving the appearance of cellulite.

A third procedure that can help to reduce cellulite is called Carboxytherapy. Carbon dioxide breaks down fat cells and increases circulation and blood flow when injected under the skin where cellulite is placed. This releases fluids that are trapped in these areas, resulting in less fat and firmer skin.
Dr. Buckley says “patients can experience a light tingling sensation near the treatment site which disappears almost immediately and the surrounding area may feel warmer for up to 30 minutes due to increased circulation.”
Each session lasts about 15 minutes and approximately 20 sessions are needed to effectively reduce cellulite. The best results are seen when the patient receives the treatments every other day.

To see more visit this link.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Advanced Dermatology Skin and Cosmetic Laser Center in Milford, PA announces that they now offer several new procedures for use in melting and removing fat, firming skin and improving the appearance of cellulite.

A great way to supplement the other three procedures - ProLipo, Mesotherapy and Carboxytherapy - to produce even better results is the Thermage skin tightening procedure. Thermage uses radio frequency waves to stimulate collagen production, which serves to tighten the skin, thus making the cellulite less visible. You will continue to see improvement for at least six to nine months after the treatment. This procedure, when paired with one of the treatments mentioned above, maximizes the overall effectiveness to produce the best results in cellulite reduction.

To see more visit this link.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Endermologie Lipomassage

Endermologie Lipomassage is a new technique approved by the US Food and Drug Administration that claims to be clinically proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Patients are dressed in a body stocking and motorized rollers are run the length of the body. Controlled suction gently lifts and rolls the patient's skin, deeply massaging affected areas to increase the blood flow and stimulate the lymphatic system.

The makers claim that the effects can be seen in the first month with just six-eight sessions, although they recommend a course of ten-fifteen sessions for best results. The treatment will, they claim, give skin a 'new lease of life' by stimulating the production of collagen to make skin grow stronger and denser, and so reducing the visibility of cellulite.

Unfortunately, although the treatment can help with topical relief of the visible effects of cellulite, it's no cure, and your dimples will eventually return. No cosmetic procedure can promise permanent relief from orange peel skin aka cellulite. Until then we're just going to have to learn to live with cellulite.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pill for cellulite reduction?!

The cellulite pill - discover what makes it work.
  • extracts of birch-tree, marshmallow and ginkgo balboa - those improve substance transition, induce circulation and lymph drainage, and reduce fat.
  • vitamin C:
    • induces creation of collagen, so the skin will be toned
    • antioxidant
    • helps regulating the throughput of veins and capillaries - that way it reduces mid cell liquid amount, and reduces the chance of cellulite accumulation
    • improves elasticity of the connecting tissue.
  • pure extract of bioflavonoids from grape seeds:
    • a powerful antioxidants
    • same throughput regulating effect as vitamin C
  • ginkgo balboa leaves - help blood circulation in cellulite affected regions.
  • fish oil - rich with unsaturated fatty acids, help disintegrate of lipids and maintain the physiological levels of cholesterol.
  • bladder wrack seaweed:
    • affects metabolism
    • helps disintegrating fat
    • makes creation of fat tissue harder.
  • vitamin E - improves elasticity of the connecting tissue.
You should take care when consuming anti cellulite pills and use them properly. Besides just using the pills you should also:
  • stop smoking, if you do smoke
  • solve any hormonal disorder
Pill for cellulite reduction may only help you reduce your cellulite problem, but it can not completely solve it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Latest non-invasive treatment available at American Laser Centers across country.

American Laser Centers, announces the addition of the VelaShape cellulite reduction and body shaping therapy service in more than 125 U.S. clinics.

VelaShape basics:

  • FDA-approved for both cellulite reduction and circumferential reduction of the thighs
  • non-invasive treatment
  • uses externally-applied energy
  • reduces the appearance of cellulite and measurably reduces circumference of the arms, thighs, love handles, abdomen or other designated treatment areas
  • fast, visible results, in as few as four treatments each spaced one week apart
  • no downtime

Clinics in major cities now offering the cellulite treatments include New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. For a complete list of clinics that are offering the service, visit

FDA-approved in August 2007, VelaShape™ provides patients the fastest clinically-proven, non-surgical solution for the temporary reduction of the appearance of cellulite, as well as temporary reduction of thigh circumference.

VelaShape™ combines radio-frequency and infrared heat, suction and massage to effectively shrink fat cells, smooth skin and contour the treated area, leaving your skin more beautiful and cellulite reduced and less visible. VelaShape™ can be performed on most body areas including the arms, thighs, abdomen, buttocks and hips. The results are easy to maintain with follow-up treatments, proper diet and exercise; meaning longer no cellulite period.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Advanced Dermatology Skin and Cosmetic Laser Center in Milford, PA announces that they now offer several new procedures for use in melting and removing fat, firming skin and improving the appearance of cellulite.

Mesotherapy is a technique used to administer medications and vitamins to a specific area of the body. This is done by micro-injections into the mesoderm, which is the layer just beneath the skin, in which cellulite lays.
Dr. Buckley says “Mesotherapy may reduce the appearance of cellulite by dissolving and shrinking fat cells and improving blood flow to the area. Cellulite is actually localized pockets of fat, so Mesotherapy helps by breaking down existing fat cells.” In addition, Mesotherapy serves to dissolve the connective tissues between which fat cells protrude to produce the "cottage cheese" appearance or cellulite. You can resume normal activities immediately following your Mesotherapy treatment.

To see more visit this link.