Saturday, October 18, 2008

Endermologie Lipomassage

Endermologie Lipomassage is a new technique approved by the US Food and Drug Administration that claims to be clinically proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Patients are dressed in a body stocking and motorized rollers are run the length of the body. Controlled suction gently lifts and rolls the patient's skin, deeply massaging affected areas to increase the blood flow and stimulate the lymphatic system.

The makers claim that the effects can be seen in the first month with just six-eight sessions, although they recommend a course of ten-fifteen sessions for best results. The treatment will, they claim, give skin a 'new lease of life' by stimulating the production of collagen to make skin grow stronger and denser, and so reducing the visibility of cellulite.

Unfortunately, although the treatment can help with topical relief of the visible effects of cellulite, it's no cure, and your dimples will eventually return. No cosmetic procedure can promise permanent relief from orange peel skin aka cellulite. Until then we're just going to have to learn to live with cellulite.

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