Latest non-invasive treatment available at American Laser Centers across country.
American Laser Centers, announces the addition of the VelaShape cellulite reduction and body shaping therapy service in more than 125 U.S. clinics.
VelaShape basics:
- FDA-approved for both cellulite reduction and circumferential reduction of the thighs
- non-invasive treatment
- uses externally-applied energy
- reduces the appearance of cellulite and measurably reduces circumference of the arms, thighs, love handles, abdomen or other designated treatment areas
- fast, visible results, in as few as four treatments each spaced one week apart
- no downtime
Clinics in major cities now offering the cellulite treatments include New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. For a complete list of clinics that are offering the service, visit
FDA-approved in August 2007, VelaShape™ provides patients the fastest clinically-proven, non-surgical solution for the temporary reduction of the appearance of
cellulite, as well as temporary reduction of thigh circumference.
VelaShape™ combines radio-frequency and infrared heat, suction and massage to effectively shrink fat cells, smooth skin and contour the treated area, leaving your skin more beautiful and
cellulite reduced and less visible. VelaShape™ can be performed on most body areas including the arms, thighs, abdomen, buttocks and hips. The results are easy to maintain with follow-up treatments, proper diet and exercise; meaning longer no cellulite period.